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Virtual Collections

Our newest collections are our virtual collections. These allow us to group plants that share a similar theme, but are not growing together, into one collection. We will be developing more of these in the future. If you have a need for a course or an idea for a collection that might be of interest to others, please let us know!

You can visualize these collections using our Virtual Garden Map.


Photos courtesy of Anna McGuffie.

Virtual Collections

Michigan Native Plants

This collection has over 500 native Michigan plant species. Many are local species, and others are from distant parts of Michigan. Learn more about our flora by using the map to locate these plants and reading more about them. On the Virtual Garden Map, this collection can be accessed using the filter 'MI-NATIVE'.

CSS226L Weed Collection

This collection was assembled by Dr. Erin Hill for her course. Most of the plants taught in this class are represented in the Garden, including some that were acquired by Dr. Hill and passed along to us. On the Virtual Garden Map, this collection can be accessed using the filter 'CSS226L-WEEDS'.

Anishinaabe Plants

This collection highlights some of our plants used by the local Anishinaabe. The collection is under development and we will continue to work with tribal members to highlight these plants and the heritage of indigenous peoples of our area. On the Virtual Garden Map, this collection can be accessed using the filter 'ANISH'.